Saturday, May 29, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lon is all aglow

Yeah, Lon is digging the Atomic Beach Party!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Happy Shat To You!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blog Updates

The Eclectic Banana blog is back up and running and this blog was created to fill the void. I know this blog hasn't been around long but i like it so i'm keeping it open.
I'll run it under a different account and make it more of a nostalgic blog.

Hope you stick around and have fun here at the Atomic Beach Party!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Atomic Beach Party Anti-Squid Attack Commando

Fighting to keep Atomic Beach and the Earth free of evil squids!

Hawaii Five-O

Hawaii Five-O is one of my favorite shows and the second time at remaking the series is a go and will be on the CBS schedule this fall.
Here are 3 versions of the show's opening credits, new,classic and the Gary Busey version not many have seen.

Joey Ramone

Joey would have been 59 today.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Macabre Drive-In Theatre Is Back!

I have a lot of reconstruction to do at the old Drive-In with a slight name change but it's back.
I missed the place so much.

Ronnie James Dio

Ronnie James Dio has died at 67 from stomach cancer.
Rest In Peace Mr. Dio and thanks for the music.

Rachel Ray Emotion Chart

Nancy Sinatra

I can't start a new blog without one of my favorite stars from the 60's, Nancy Sinatra. She graced the Eclectic Banana with her videos and pictures many a time so naturally she'll be here at the Atomic Beach Party.

Nancy is so Atomically Cool.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Ok, ok Bill... i'll start Shatnurday. I'm sure it'll be as popular as Caturday.

Beach Party All The Time

You just never know who will turn up here.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Who dosen't love the greatest wookie of all?

Take It Dee Dee!

Now playing for us here at the Atomic Beach Party..the RAMONES!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

This might be good

The Expendables.

One thing about Stallone he does make a good bubblegum action film.

What I Think About Politics

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I haven't said anything over at the Eclectic Banana Tumblr because i'm afraid to jinx it but the EBT has gone over 200 followers!
At this exact moment the count is 222.
After all the unfollows because of occasional nude female pics there seems to be people following who get the point of the EBT and just enjoy the show.
But we are talking about tumblr and no more fickle of a place exists, so who knows might get a mass exodus some day.


Carrying over a few regular posts from the late lamented Macabre Drive-In Theater, here's Vincent Price in "The ABominable Dr. Phibes"

Space girl

So innocent and cute.

Wonderful art by Dean Yeagle.

Miss Page

Yeah, Bettie Page rocks the Atomic Beach Party. Only the grooviest,coolest,dead or alive people hang out at the only beach that glows in the dark.

New Who

I'm really enjoying the new series of Doctor Who. Matt Smith is becoming one of my favorite Doctors and Karen Gillan as Amy Pond *sigh* redhaired,cute and that wonderful accent *melts*.

Hope they and the Moff stay around for a long time.


For now i'm running the Atomic Beach Party through Windows IE browser (which i hate) and i'm having trouble embedding videos here from YouTube, i guess it's IE.
I should use Firefox for ABP but i'm still clinging to the crazy hope that my original blogs will return and i don't want to get things mixed having everything on Firefox.
Yes i do get easily confused here online even after 17 years. :)

Godzilla Haiku

I'm going to spotlight blogs and tumblrs every now and then that i think you should check out.

Godzilla Haiku tumblr

This tumblr is a lot of fun and sheer genius, it's a big hit and run by our friend Mr. Samuraifrog.

It's Wednesday!


So i've got the Atomic Beach Party going and i had all these ideas for posts for the Eclectic Banana but as you know the E. B. got wasted by the Google Boogers and now i can't remember the blog ideas.
Early days yet, i'm sure i'll get into the blogging groove soon. It's like being in shock still over losing my 3 original blogs, i'm sure that sounds silly but it's the only way i can explain it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Eclectic Banana

Eclectic Banana would have been 1 year old this month. I was going to celebrate that fact on the blog but Google killed the E Banana. Like i've said before, i don't know why. Did some one complain about the blog? Don't see anything i posted that would make someone attack the blog and force it's closure. Sure i've posted mocking political stuff, mostly about the rightwing (who deserve it for their constant hate against any thing opposite to their point of view), it is after all a free country or is it?

I have to say i've lost a lot of respect for Google as a company. Losing my gmail account (which has cost me a lot emotional distress and touch with my girlfriend, thank goodness for yahoo mail for coming to the rescue) and my lost blogs has really depressed me which i'm having trouble getting out of.

Google you owe me an explanation.

Best Opening Movie Shots

This is just classic, opens all 6 of the Star Wars movies. It's a part of our culture now those 10 words, they promise adventure and excitement.


Monday, May 10, 2010


Tura says, don't mess with this blog or you answer to me.


Boy Howdy!

Hey Gang let's head to the beach for a rockin' Atomic Beach Party!

In Memorium

The Eclectic Banana

Macabre Drive-In Theater

Cinema Vortex

Three blogs killed for some unknown reason and i assume lost to the ages. I'd like to thank the followers of those 3 blogs.

And i especially want to thank Cal and the great friends over on tumblr like Samuraifrog, Becca to name just a couple.

So now i try again with Atomic Beach Party, this will be my only blog now.

I wonder how long Google will let it live.